Bomb Threat
The University Police Department or emergency responders will assess the threat and act in the best interest of the campus community.
In the Event of a Suspicious Package: - If visible, DO NOT HANDLE THE OBJECT.
- Immediately call the UST Police Department at 713-525-3888.
- Security will contact the local authorities.
- Quickly evacuate. Do not touch or move anything in the room.
- Stay as far away from the building as possible, at least 300 feet.
- Do not return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by a University official.
Bomb Treat by Phone Procedure: - Stay calm and keep the caller on the line. Ask questions about the location and time of detonation of the bomb. See the Bomb Threat Questionnaire.
- Listen for background noise to determine where the caller is located.
- Immediately call the UST Police Department at 713-525-3888.
- Local authorities will conduct the bomb search.
- Do not return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by a University official.
View the phone procedure checklist. If you are in the effected building, evacuate the facility immediately: - Alert occupants of the threat and assist other in evacuating.
- Do not turn lights on or off or open/close drawers, cabinets or doors when leaving.
- Quickly and quietly leave the facility and do not use exits near the threat area.
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