The Masters of Fine Arts program at the University of St. Thomas hosts its annual Summer Literary Programs, featuring three major events for writers, inspiring authors, students, and those who want to encounter the beauty of the written word and participate in the lively life of the mind and imagination.
The Summer Literary Series brings leading authors from around the world to the UST campus to deliver readings and lectures. Hear from some of the greatest writers of our day, including novelists, poets, scholars and literary critics. These events are free and open to the public.
The Summer Writers Institute is a three-day intensive program, inviting people from all walks of life to contemplate the Church’s teaching on the nature of beauty, the craft and practice of the literary arts, and to grow as writers themselves through individual attention and editorial counsel.
The MFA Summer Residency is a special in-person event for MFA students, with an intensive series of seminars, workshops, and literary events.
Learn more about these innovated literary events below, including guest speakers, itinerates, and more.