Understanding human behavior and social interaction is central to self-knowledge, personal development, creativity and leadership, and consequentially to a flourishing economy, society, politics and culture—all aspects of a well-lived life. The Social and Behavioral Sciences & Global Studies programs at the University of St. Thomas integrate and apply theoretical and practical understanding of human behavior in the fields of Communication, History, Integrated Studies, International Studies, Irish Studies, Political Science and Psychology. The SBSGS Division is home also to UST’s Distinguished Diplomat Program, Taiwan & East Asia Studies, Latin American Studies, and Pre-Law Program. Graduate programs are offered in Master of Arts in Diplomacy & Strategic Affairs (MDSA), the interdisciplinary Master in Liberal Arts (MLA) and Master in Public Policy and Administration (MPPA).
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I Want a Bachelor's Degree Attend as an undergraduate student I Want a Master's Degree Attend as a graduate student
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Employers, and graduate or professional schools, want broadly educated students, with both qualitative and quantitative reasoning competencies, the how and the why of complex problem solving. Dr. Thomas Behr, JD, PhD Divisional Dean, Division Of Social And Behavioral Sciences & Global Studies
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Centers, Degrees, and ProgramsCenters, Degrees, and Programs
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Carousel content with 1 slides. UST Mandarin Center UST Mandarin Center The Mandarin Center of the Universities of St. Thomas and Wenzao Ursuline is a pioneering program developed to support the historic 2021 US-Taiwan Education Initiative.
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Carousel content with 10 slides. A carousel is a rotating set of images, rotation stops on keyboard focus on carousel tab controls or hovering the mouse pointer over images. Use the tabs or the previous and next buttons to change the displayed slide.  B.A. in International Studies Kate Dillon Levin Co-Founder and COO  B.A. in Political Science John Ruff COO & President  Houston Area Women’s Center Chau Nguyen Chief Marketing Officer  Master in Public Policy & Administration Casey Joshi Community Outreach Coordinator Houston Achievement Place Jessica Cisneros VP of Behavioral Health Services Family Services of Greater Houston  B.A. in Communication and Drama Nicole Bjelica Chief of Staff Bryan McLeod Director of Communications  B.A. in Psychology and Pre-Nursing Studies Isabella Zamora Language and Cultural Assistant Spanish Ministry of Education Philip Mullett VP of Securities Bank of America Merrill Lynch  B.A. in Political Science CJ Miller Associate Attorney General Business, Banking, and Commercial Real Estate - Slide 1: Kate Dillon Levin Co-Founder and COO The CURA co. B.A. in International Studies
- Slide 2: John Ruff COO & President Mesa Digital B.A. in Political Science
- Slide 3: Chau Nguyen Chief Marketing Officer Houston Area Women’s Center B.A. in Communication
- Slide 4: Casey Joshi Community Outreach Coordinator Houston Achievement Place Master in Public Policy & Administration
- Slide 5: Jessica Cisneros VP of Behavioral Health Services Family Services of Greater Houston B.A. in Psychology
- Slide 6: Nicole Bjelica Chief of Staff Healix B.A. in Communication and Drama
- Slide 7: Bryan McLeod Director of Communications Harris Health System B.A. in Communication
- Slide 8: Isabella Zamora Language and Cultural Assistant Spanish Ministry of Education B.A. in Psychology and Pre-Nursing Studies
- Slide 9: Philip Mullett VP of Securities Bank of America Merrill Lynch B.A. in Communication
- Slide 10: CJ Miller Associate Attorney General Business, Banking, and Commercial Real Estate B.A. in Political Science
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Carousel content with 17 slides. A carousel is a rotating set of images, rotation stops on keyboard focus on carousel tab controls or hovering the mouse pointer over images. Use the tabs or the previous and next buttons to change the displayed slide. Dr. Thomas Behr Division Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences & Global Studies; Chair, Department of History; Director, Integrated Humanities, and Catholic Social Thought; Interim Chair of Communications; Associate Professor of History Dr. Elizabeth Coscio Tenured Associate Professor of Spanish; Program Director of Spanish; Cullen Foundation Chair in Spanish Dr. Yao-Yuan Yeh Tenured Professor; Chair of International Studies and Modern Languages, Political Science and MPPA; Director, MDSA Program, Mandarin Center, and Taiwan & East Asia Studies Program; Cullen Trust for Higher Education/Fayez Sarofim Endowed Chair in International Studies Dr. Jo Anne Meier-Marquis Tenured Associate Professor of Psychology; Director of Service Learning; Project Director of the Title V Chart Grant Prof. Eric Botts Assistant Professor; Director, Global Cybersecurity Program; Director of the Center for International Studies Dr. Kevin Stuart Director of the Center for Faith and Culture; Interim Director for Catholic Studies and MPPA program; Assistant Professor of Political Science - Slide 1: Dr. Thomas Behr
- Slide 2: Dr. Hans Stockton Associate Vice President, International Relations & Engagement
- Slide 3: Ms. Lori Gallagher, J.D. Director, William J. Flynn Center for Irish Studies
- Slide 4: Dr. Ulyses Balderas Tenured Associate Professor, International Studies
- Slide 5: Dr. Elizabeth Coscio Tenured Associate Professor of Spanish; Program Director of Spanish; Cullen Foundation Chair in Spanish
- Slide 6: Dr. Yao-Yuan Yeh Tenured Professor; Chair of International Studies and Modern Languages, Political Science and MPPA; Director, MDSA Program, Mandarin Center, and Taiwan & East Asia Studies Program; Cullen Trust for Higher Education/Fayez Sarofim Endowed Chair in International Studies
- Slide 7: Dr. Chris Wolfe Associate Professor
- Slide 8: Dr. Rick Young Associate Professor
Pre-Law Advisor
- Slide 9: Dr. Jo Anne Meier-Marquis Tenured Associate Professor of Psychology; Director of Service Learning; Project Director of the Title V Chart Grant
- Slide 10: Dr. Crystal Tran Associate Professor; Chair of Psychology
- Slide 11: Dr. Victoria Wagner Associate Professor
- Slide 12: Prof. John Butler Instructor
- Slide 13: Prof. Eric Botts Assistant Professor; Director, Global Cybersecurity Program; Director of the Center for International Studies
- Slide 14: Dr. Stan Wong Associate Professor
- Slide 15: Dr. Adam Pugen Assistant Professor
- Slide 16: Dr. Anthony Joseph Professor of History: Director of the MLA Program
- Slide 17: Dr. Kevin Stuart Director of the Center for Faith and Culture; Interim Director for Catholic Studies and MPPA program; Assistant Professor of Political Science
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