Search for Classes 500x330Visitors and guests may review the class schedule.

Students may also find class information in myStThom. Details for each course section can be found on the Student Homepage under Search for Classes and Register. Click the tile and then Class Search and Enroll and you will find class details, meeting information and section notes. This is where you will see specific information on when and how a course will be taught. IMPORTANT: If a class has Notes included, please be sure to read them to understand additional requirements/properties of the class.

Instructional Modes
Courses at UST are taught using the following modes of instruction. When registering for courses, please note the mode of each course selected:

  • (P) In-Person – All students meet in the assigned room at the same time
  • (HY) Hybrid – All students meet in the assigned room at the same time, but some of the course utilizes online learning.
  • (OA) Online Asynchronous – Students take the course online at their own pace during the semester; there are no strict meeting times.
  • (OS) Online Synchronous – Students take the course online during the semester but have specific meeting days/times where the class will convene via an online platform such as Zoom or Blackboard.

Class Search Tips
When searching for classes, you can refine the search to only display courses that are only in a specific career (e.g., Graduate or Undergraduate), are taught in a specific instructional mode (e.g., online or in-person), are only offered during a specific day/time, etc.:

Course Descriptions
Detailed descriptions of UST courses can be found in the Academic Catalog.